Script from TV Health Report, Broadcast May, 1997 Featuring: Donald Lamm, MD WVU Chair of Urology
There's more evidence that garlic is good for you. That's according to a recent study out of WVU that looked at cancer in mice.
Dr. Bob: A new study published in the journal "Cancer" suggests that a certain kind of bladder cancer may be effectively treated with garlic.
Donald Lamm, MD: We simply mixed garlic extract in the drinking water and we found a very dramatic reduction in the growth of these transplanted tumors.
Dr. Bob: About 52,000 cases of bladder cancer are diagnosed each year, mostly in men over 50. Smokers are at highest risk.
The health benefits of garlic have been touted for centuries, going all the way back to Hippocrates, but it's only in recent years that modern medical science has begun to recognize and prove the benefits.
Donald Lamm, MD: The organo-sulfur compounds in garlic are thought to directly inhibit the growth of cancers. But we believe in this application, garlic was beneficial by stimulating the immune system.
Dr. Bob: Garlic can't be prescribed yet for cancer; it must be proven in human clinical trials first. But Dr. Lamm says in moderation, it can't hurt, and may benefit overall health.
If you would like some free information about garlic and bladder cancer, call the WVU HealthLine at 1-800-982-8242, or send e-mail to Dr. Bob at [email protected].
(Author: Scott Turner, Penn State
Department of Public Information)
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