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Artichoke with Garlic Garni

Artichoke with Garlic Garni
Garlic Festival Foods Garli Garni Artichoke
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As many med. artichokes as you like
(choose a favorite but we just love the Parmesan & Garlic or...naturally...the Artichoke & Garlic!).
Lemons, halved

Trim & prepare artichokes and rinse with water. Place each artichoke on a square of heavy foil & spread the leaves open.

Drizzle on the olive oil (about 1 Tbsp.) and squeeze half a lemon on each. Sprinkle on the Garli Garni to taste (approx. 1 Tbsp.). Seal each artichoke tightly in foil and place in a 400º oven for approx. 70 mins.

Meanwhile melt butter and sprinkle in more Garli Garni. When ready to serve place melted Garli Garni butter in a bowl alongside artichoke for dipping. Easy & delicious!

Customer Service Hours: Monday - Wednesday - 8:00 to 2:00; Thursday - 8:00 - 12:00; Friday - Hours vary