¨ 2 slices (1/2” thick) Sourdough or Rye bread
¨ 1 Tbsp. of unsalted butter
¨ 1-2 Tsp. Garlic Festival Garli Garni (more if you desire)
¨ 4 slices of American or cheddar cheese
In a pan heated to medium, slowly melt the unsalted butter while sprinkling and stirring in the Garli Garni. Once the mixture is well heated place the first slice of bread in the skillet, top with cheese and the second slice of bread. Press with spatula to encourage the cheese to melt and the bread to brown.Once the bread is browned, turn upside down and repeat the process.We love serving…and even dipping this, in tomato soup. We’ve been known to add strips of bacon and/or tomato slices to jazz things up!
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